
58 Harpes Road Oxford OX2 7QL

15 January 2021

Variation of condition 3(Materials) of planning permission 19/01626/FUL (Erection of 2no. single storey rear extensions.) to allow side wall to single storey rear extension facing no.60 to include blockwork (retrospective).

We object to this application since the replacement of part of the area of a wall which was only approved as to be constructed in brickwork results in an extremely ugly appearance which would never have been consented to if proposed in the original application. If approved, this proposal would set a precedent for post-construction retrospective approval to unacceptable proposals, and behaviour leading to a gross adverse effect on the aesthetic appearance of the building. The as-constructed situation is derogatory and un-neighbourly, effects which can only be mitigated by remedial screening carried out on the adjacent property, an unreasonable solution. The application should be refused.