
10 Southcroft Oxford OX3 0PF

22 May 2020

Erection of 1 x 4-bed dwelling (Use Class C3). Provision of new access, amenity space, car parking and bin and cycle stores.

This two storey house is located in the site of a small development of houses at the eastern edge of the village next to the cemetery near the A40. It will be visible from the road into the village and have impact on the amenity of no. 8 which enjoys open views to the north over the cemetery. There is yet no comment from this neighbour or from any other member of the public. The Location Plan gives insufficient information to locate the site and the Block Plan does not show the new building. It would be helpful if plan drawings showed a clear north point. The D&AS omits to explain who the house is for and whether Mr. Joseph and Mrs.Thurlow will be occupants. In support of the applicants energy saving objectives it would be helpful if the agents would show roof lights on plans to the service rooms (e.g .bathrooms etc.). It would also be helpful if the agent could indicate support for the southern gable above the continuous window. Despite the presence of an Arboricultural Statement, the loss of seven trees is unfortunate. Bins are in view of the main entrance. We would recommend deferral of this application until the applicant and the agent has had time to consider the removal of the west dormer to B1 to avoid altogether any issue of overlooking, reform the bin enclosure, indicate support for the southern gable, to help understanding of the proposal to clearly show materials and their colour on all elevation drawings and avoid misunderstanding state clearly the intention for use of the dwelling.