
8 Quarry High Street Oxford OX3 8JT

22 May 2020

Variation of condition 2 (Develop in accordance with approved plans) and 3 (Materials) of planning permission 18/02498/FUL (Erection of first floor extension to rear, relocate existing property entrance to front street elevation, 1no. existing window to be replaced with 1no. door to front elevation, insertion of 2no. windows to front elevation, replacement windows to rear elevation, enlarge 1no. window to ground floor rear elevation, replace existing door with 1no. patio door to rear south east side. Erection of single storey garden outbuilding to be used as a home office and associated works.) to allow changes to materials and fenestration (amended description).

The height and window proportions of this two storey rear extension has resulted in an unfortunate rude intervention to the old cottage. The garden building also exists and contains facilities in variance to the permission. The proposed changes do not significantly alter the Case Officers objections described in the documentation. The facilities proposed for retention and the number of windows retained in this small building could still allow conversion to habitation. The application should be refused.