
263 Iffley Road Oxford OX4 1SJ

4 May 2019

Outline application (seeking the approval of access, appearance, layout and scales) for the demolition of single storey buildings to southeast side of 3 storey building. Construction of new 3 storey above ground building comprising premises for ground floor club D1/D2/social club use class and two upper floors for separate student accommodation. Alterations to layout of retained building and parking areas including relocation of parking to Percy Street only and closure of Iffley Road vehicle access and landscaping.


We are concerned that the numerous comments from the police on changes that are needed to improve safety and security in this project call into question whether approval should be given, because the design changes are not all ones that can be covered by making conditions.  The design itself is lacking in sympathy with the Conservation Area in which it sits. Local residents are properly concerned about the addition of yet further student residences, particularly speculative ones, in an area the character of which is already threatened by the projects approved in recent times.