
28 Wentworth Road Oxford Oxfordshire OX2 7TH.

19 May 2018

Conversion of garage to habitable space and erection of a single storey rear extension. Erection of a first floor extension to side elevation. Alterations to window to rear elevation.

Although we have no objection in principle to this proposal, we note that the pre-application letter of advice refers to the use of materials matching those of the existing house, and this is considered acceptable. We note, however, that none of the proposed external materials (‘natural’ timber and ‘compact’ dark grey cladding) match those of the existing house, nor does any design feature, such as window style and proportion, replicate or echo those of the existing house. The result is the impression of a somewhat bizarre large wooden shed attached to the side of the house in a manner which is aesthetically incomprehensible. We would urge the withholding of consent pending re-consideration of the proposed materials and design detailing, to make the proposed development rather more in keeping with the characteristics of the neighbourhood. We also concur with the comments from the Highway Authority regarding the provision of cycle parking.