
51 Cardigan Street Oxford OX2 6BS

10 December 2016

Erection of a single storey side extension. Insertion of 1No. additional window to front elevation.

We are concerned by the inadequacy of the proposed new partitioning and the creation of such small bedrooms, some of which, we believe, in spite of the statement on the plans, are less than the minimum bedroom area of 6.5 m2 required under OCC regulations for HMOs. Will the partitions of the rooms that are aligned with the midpoint of the window to create bedrooms 1 and 2 on the ground floor and bedrooms 4 and 5 on the second floor allow independent ventilation of the rooms? The shower and toilet rooms also appear to be very small.  Evidence has not been provided to show that this proposal satisfies the HP7 condition regarding the frequency of HMOs along the 200 metre street frontage.