22/00672/VAR, 19/02699/VAR

The White Rabbit 21 Friars Entry Oxford Oxfordshire OX1 2BY

20 April 2022

Variation of condition 4 (Furniture Details) of planning permission and (Variation of condition 3 (Hours of use) of planning permission 18/01338/VAR (Variation of condition 1 (Deemed in accordance with approved plans) of planning permission 18/00220/FUL (Alterations of existing car park to create beer garden (revised plans)) to allow the creation of a new ground floor door for access to beer garden.)) to allow to hours of use to be altered to Monday to Sunday – 10:00 – 23:00) to allow the existing furniture and fencing to remain.

This is a test of the City Council’s determination to enforce a planning decision despite repeated attempts by the applicant to avoid compliance. The application again fails to satisfy Local Plan and NPPF guidance as set out in the officers’ delegated report of July 8, 2020. There is no merit in the argument in the planning statement that lower standards are applicable in less favoured parts of the Conservation Area. This is clear from the recently published management plan and design guidance for the Central Conservation Area. The quality of the enclosure has not changed. In fact, it has deteriorated because of further, unapproved, additions. The structure remains unacceptable and an eyesore, as described in the previous officers’ delegated report. The White Rabbit site is an acceptable location for a well-designed beer garden. The Red Lion beer garden nearby is an example of what can be achieved. We urge that the application is refused.