21/02641/FUL DEL

39 Union Street Oxford OX4 1JP

2 November 2021

Erection of first floor front and side extension, roof alterations and insertion of 1no. window to side elevation.
Whilst this third attempt at gaining planning permission represents an improvement in respect of the proposed front elevation, the overall scheme is still grossly oversized. This is most evident when looking at the proposed site plan and as such we consider that the two previous rejection notices still hold good i.e.: the proposed extension, because of its design, scale and prominence would result in the creation of an overly bulky form of development that would visually dominate the original dwelling. The visual intrusion and harm resulting from the poor quality design of the proposals would be elevated because of the topography and orientation of the application site which would increase its visibility in the public realm and contribute to the harm caused to the public realm. Taken together with the existing extensions to the property, the cumulative impact of these piecemeal additions would erode the character of the area and fail to reflect the character and appearance of the original dwelling because of their poor design. We would therefore recommend yet another refusal.