
30A Jericho Street Oxford OX2 6BU

2 August 2020

Replacement of existing garage door with 3no. windows in association with conversion of existing garage into habitable space, erection of first floor rear extension, formation of rear juliet balcony to second floor, insertion of 2no. rooflights to rear elevation, installation of green roof to rear and installation of cladding to rear elevation. Alterations to existing front and rear fenestration, insertion of 2no. rooflights to front elevation, insertion of 6no. rooflights over stairwell to front elevation and alterations to existing first floor terrace.

This is a complicated and unusual proposal, but seems to have been carefully considered, and is generally acceptable, except in that cycle parking appears inadequate, and it is unfortunate that no solution for waste and recycling materials storage is provided. In view of the reduction in car parking resulting from the loss of the garage, we would suggest a condition be applied, excluding entitlement to street parking under the provisions of the CPZ.