
320 Banbury Road Oxford OX2 7ED

19 May 2020

Amalgamation of 2no. flats to create 1 x 1 bed dwelling (Use Class C3). Extension and alteration of windows and doors to garden annexe to create 1 x 1 bed dwelling (Use Class C3). Provision of bin and bicycle storage and communal amenity space.

 There is no D&A Statement. The aerial view accompanying the application suggests that the Garden Building presented for conversion does not exist. Confirmation that it does, allows comment on the submitted documentation as follows:-

Details of ventilation of the kitchen and associated habitable room other than doors to the garden are needed (eg. another window). Details of the roof covering should be provided to ensure, amongst other things, that the height of wall above openings is sufficient to accommodate structure and insulation as well as covering.

Reconfiguration of the plan would improve the quality and space standards of the accommodation.

This also applies to the proposed alterations to the main house where there are issues relating to health, safety and space standards.

The application should be deferred until the applicant has had an opportunity to consider and resolve these.