
31 Middle Way Oxford OX2 7LG

24 April 2020

Change of use from a dwellinghouse (Use Class C3) to a House in Multiple Occupation (Use Class C4)

This proposal is likely to lead to increased occupancy of the property, since it provides bedrooms for 5 individuals, or couples in at least two of the bedrooms. No bathroom facilities are available on the ground floor, so occupants would have to negotiate the steep and narrow stairs to share a very small bathroom with the occupants of three other bedrooms. There is no off-street car parking provided, and no reference to any parking or storage facility for bicycles or waste bins. Any use of the rear garden would necessitate manoeuvring past obstacles in the narrow hall, and through the sitting room, dining room and kitchen, and across the patio and garden. The street pavement is narrow here and there are no public cycle parking facilities in the immediate area. We would urge refusal of consent on the grounds of the unsuitability of the premises for this scale of occupation.