
32 Minchery Road Oxford OX4 4LX

4 May 2019

 Erection of part single, part two storey rear extension. Alterations to 1no. window and insertion of 1no. window to side elevation.

This proposal is for a very substantial extension on the south side (rear elevation) of the existing property. The site plan provided suggests that there are existing buildings in the garden, but is insufficiently detailed to enable assessment of what these are, or how the proposed extension will relate to them. No information is provided of existing or proposed waste bin and cycle storage arrangements. No details of the effects on daylight and sunlight to the neighbouring (semi-detached) property are provided, and the simple assertion in the Design & Access Statement, that the proposals will “not have an undue effect” is unsatisfactory. We urge deferment of a decision on this application pending provision of satisfactory information on these matters.