
 25 Water Eaton Road Oxford Oxfordshire OX2 7QQ

17 March 2019

| Erection of a single storey rear extension and a single storey front extension to form front porch. |


We would comment that although the proposed extension to the front porch is designed to be in keeping with the style of the property, it breaks up the integrity of this terrace and sets a precedent for further degradation of the considerable character of the row of houses. The modifications to the proposed rear extension, compared with the refused design of the earlier application are insufficient to mitigate the sense of over-development and loss of amenity of the neighbouring properties, and the formation of a 240mm-wide (tapering) gap between the flank wall of the proposed extension and the existing boundary wall calls into question issues of practicality, debris accumulation and maintenance for which no resolution is suggested. We would urge refusal of this application on these grounds.