
8 Havelock Road Oxford OX4 3EP

12 July 2018

  Change of Use of dwellinghouse (Use Class C3) to a large House in Multiple Occupation (Sui Generis). Erection of bin and bike store. (Retrospective). |

The absence of a bathroom on the ground floor means that the two bedrooms located at this level will share washing facilities in the single non-ensuite bathroom with two of the bedrooms on the floor above; access to the stairs, and hence to this bathroom will necessitate moving through the only living room serving all 8 bedrooms. This is not a satisfactory arrangement. Although the application description refers to erection of a bin and bike store, no details are provided of the location, size, appearance, accessibility etc. This application should be refused pending submission of acceptable proposals for the storage of bins and bikes, and provision of more satisfactory arrangements for ground floor residents’ washing facilities.