18/00620/FUL & 18/00621/FUL

23 & 45 Marlborough Road Oxford OX1 4LW

27 March 2018

23 -Formation of 1no. dormer to rear roofslope and insertion of 1no. rooflight to front roofslope in association with loft conversion. (Retrospective)

45 – Formation of 1no. dormer to rear roofslope and insertion of 2no. rooflight to front roofslope in association with loft conversion. (Retrospective)

These two applications provide inadequate information as to the precise nature and full extent of the works that have been completed on the property and which require retrospective approval. OCS would suggest that the applicant be required to resubmit with adequate information to permit comment as well as a procedural record for any related decisions.