
159 Harefields Oxford OX2 8NR

18 March 2018

  Change of use from dwellinghouse (Use Class C3) to a large House in Multiple Occupation (Sui Generis). Erection of a single storey side extension and provision of bin and cycle stores.

This proposal provides only one small former single-bed room as communal amenity space for seven individual residents; the drawings confirm that it is only capable of accommodating three persons, and it is thus inadequate for the intended occupancy. No information is provided on the materials proposed for the enclosing wall or fence to the front garden, which would be the most prominent feature of the development, and no details are provided for the proposed bike store, hence it is impossible to determine whether it would be visible from the street. With two cars parked as indicated on the plans, access to the front door is severely obstructed, such that escape in the event of fire would be impeded. Likewise, cars parked as shown would make it impossible for bicycles to access the proposed storage position, or for waste bins to be positioned for collection. This application should be refused on the grounds that the internal amenity space is inadequate, important details of materials have been omitted and the proposals for car parking, and bin and cycle storage are infeasible.