
435 Cowley Road Oxford OX4 2DL

2 July 2017

 Change of use from fish and chip shop (Use Class A5) Erection of a single storey rear extension and and alterations to roof at first floor level to pitched roof to create 2 x 1-bed flats (Use Class C3). Provision of private amenity space and 3No. car parking spaces.

The shared amenity space to the ‘front’ flat (435b Cowley Road) is only accessible via an extended journey along the flank of the building and the negotiation of a narrow passageway and gate. There is no other private amenity space provided to this flat, which opens directly onto the three parking spaces and Cowley Road. It is not indicated how these parking spaces are to be accessed, but reversing onto or off Cowley Road, which constitutes one of Oxford’s busiest arterial routes, and which is constantly thronged with pedestrians and cyclists, is not appropriate. The drawings fail to show how secure, protected bicycle parking is to be provided, and how storage provision for waste and re-cycling bins is to be made. We would urge refusal of this application.