
43A Sunderland Avenue Oxford OX2 8DT

18 March 2017

Erection of 2 x 3-bed semi-detached dwellinghouses (Use Class C3). Provision of car parking and private amenity space

This plan is for the erection of two houses in a very tight and irregularly-shaped piece of land (shaped thus because it is randomly ‘left over’ from No 43 and then subsequently No 43A), with an already multiply-shared narrow driveway.  Permission for one house has already been obtained.

We object to this doubling of the traffic (at least four cars are planned for, and there would be room for others to park – just) that two extra houses, as opposed to one, would cause on this driveway, which already includes garage and house entrances and use by pedestrians, deliveries etc;  permission for the one house already obtained is subject to various restrictions imposed by the Highway authorities, and, as they point out, there will be more with this plan, with good reason.  16/03131 will have a negative effect on adjoining properties, cause more noise and disturbance and invade privacy more than the one house already permitted would do.

We understand that the boundaries of the various houses and gardens have still to be decided.