
1 Albert Street Oxford OX2 6AY

25 November 2016

Change of use from dwellinghouse (Use Class C3) to a House in Multiple Occupation (Use Class C4)

The Access Statement and plans for this application are inadequate. There is no information on either the use of the remainder of the house or on the layout of the flat within the plot. Although the location plan shows that the property has a rear extension, it is not shown on either the existing or proposed plan. The provision of cycle parking, and storage for the waste and recycling bins in a small room (3.14 m2) inside the flat does not appear to be adequate and is likely to result in bins and cycles being kept in the front garden, if there is one, or on the street. The door to the 4th bedroom could easily be made from the central corridor, eliminating the need to access  the room through the kitchen/breakfast room. The bathroom is extremely small and very close to the minimum permitted under regulation HP7. The application cannot be accepted without satisfactory provision of cycle parking and cycle storage