
19 Masons Road Oxford OX3 8QL

31 October 2016

Erection of a part single, part two storey side extension to create 1 x 2-bed dwellinghouse (Use Class C3). Provision of private amenity space, car parking and bin and cycle store. Erection of a single storey rear extension to existing dwelling with insertion of 1No. additional rear window, and change of use from dwellinghouse (Use Class C3) to House in Multiple Occupation (Use Class C4).

The application justifies the conversion of a good 3 bedroomed house with a suitably proportioned living area to a 6 bedroom HMO on the basis that it will be replaced by the 2 bedroom unit to be built beside the existing house. The 2 bedroom house proposed is too small to be regarded in any way as a satisfactory substitute. The Design and access statement itself refers to it as “albeit a smaller “family” unit”. We believe that it is not satisfactory as accommodation for a family. In particular the kitchen is extremely small, approximately 2m by 4.5m. The small window of the kitchen has the 2.71m high shed for parking cycles and for storage of the waste and recycling bins for both properties sited immediately in front of it. It must be questionable, as is proposed in this application, for a private house and a large 6 bedroom HMO to share the facility for cycle parking and storage of the waste and recycling bins -a recipe for disputes and reduced levels of recycling.

The property is in an area of the City where the retention of family dwellings is a priority (amber). The approval of this application would result in the loss of a good sized family house and should, therefore, be rejected.